Theatre of Spontaneity 2025 - open evenings - Every second Thursday evening of each month you will find us here: Te Pokapū Hapori 105 Manners St Wellington 6-7:30pm Psychodrama is a participative and interactive method which aims to strengthen our abilities to express ourselves relevantly in the ordinary here and now situations in our work and lives. The range of methods used help strengthen relationships and build community. In these monthly open sessions, we will explore what emerges in the group around a theme relating to personal or professional development. Psychodrama is relevant to people drawn to greater vitality in their personal, interpersonal and leadership functions in a wide range of fields.
Fee: $10 per session payable by cash or by bank transfer to AANZPA Central 38-9006-0439605-00 with reference ToS, your name and month. If you would like to sign up for the Theater of Spontaneity email list to get information about the theme of each evening, please send an email to |